A sailing blog filled with lessons,tips and stories taught by qualified instructors.
Sailor Cull's Articles In Books
November 15, 2010 by Sailor Cull
When the Pilgrims reached Delftshaven, Holland, they found everything was ready for them to go the next morning. The Speedwell was to take them into Southampton, England, where the Mayflower was waiting to receive them. When the Pilgrims reached Delftshaven, Holland, they found everything was ready for them to go the next morning. The Speedwell was to take them into Southampton, England, where the Mayflower was waiting to receive them. After twelve years of living with their friends and fello...
November 16, 2010 by Sailor Cull
After all the troubles with the Speedwell were over, the Mayflower finally set off alone, on September 6, 1620.  The weather was good, and the wind remained near perfect for many days. Most all the passengers became very sea-sick.  It was not long after that they lost their good wind, and the Atlantic storms hit them in full force.  Powerful cross-winds and extremely high seas tossed the 180-ton Mayflower violently.  The upper deck started leaking badly, keeping the passenger...