Person Overboard! Rescue Technique from Sailor Cull
Most one man-overboard drills usually consist of throwing over a cushion and returningto pick it up by the strap. A good sized fireplace log is a better way to do the practice because it is much more awkward to get aboard.
There are four important steps to retrieving a person who has gone overboard. The first is to return withoutdelay to a position near the victim. The second is to maneuver your boat close enough so you connect him or her to the boat. The third is to get the person aboard, and the fourth is to see that they are ok.
The moment someone goes over the side, a boat cushion or life preserver should be tossed to him/her.
Make sure to keep him/her in sight, and as the distance widens, it is increasingly important to maintain visual contact.Even when you are alone on the boat, keeping the victim in sight is second only to getting the boat back to him.Everything becomes more practical as you get in closer proximity to the person in the water.
Here are three methods of rescue.
Method One...This method involves jibing to rescue the person over board. Only do this in light winds to avoid capsizing. Remember to stay in constant communication with the victim. 1.When a person falls overboard, immediately yell "Crew Overboard!" 2.Next, throw a flotation device toward the victim and keep a close eye on them.3.Jibe the boat.4.Now quickly head up to a close-hauled course. 5.Retrieve the person on the windward side of the boat. Let the mainsail out to stop.
Method Two... If the wind is too strong to jibe the boat, then tacking in a figure eight is a good way to go. Remember to stay in constant communication with the victim. 1.When a person falls overboard, immediately yell "Crew Overboard!" 2.Head on a broad reach for about 15 to 20 seconds. Keep your eyes on the victim.3. Then come about and head up.4.Go beyond the victim and come about again, proceeding on a broad reach. 5.Head up to the leeward side of the person and let the mainsail out.
Method Three...The Quick Stop maneuver is a new, widely recommended method that calls for the boat to go head-to-wind as soon as a person goes in the water. The jib is backed to further reduce speed while the continues turning until the wind is abaft the beam. The course is stabilized on a beam- to broad-reach for two or three boatlengths, then altered to nearly dead downwind.
If the wind is light, you can tack immediately after the person falls overboard and leave the jib cleated. Remember to stay in constant communication with the victim.1. First, immediately yell "Person Overboard!" and toss them a flotation device.2. Keeping an eye on the victim, immediately come about and backwind the jib by leaving it cleated. 3. Let the mainsail out so that it luffs and drifts towards the victim.4.Let the mainsail all the way out and uncleat the jib.
All these methods are good and each will benefit from practice. Most practice sessions are held in calm water onclear days, which is rarely the condition in which a man-overboard emergency will occur, so think about handlingthe situation in a storm, or at night, or in fog. The wise sailor reviews his plans for handling man-overboardscenarios every time he goes aboard a boat. He applies his plan to the conditions prevailing whenever he goeson deck. When a crewmember goes in the water there should be no delay in starting the best retrieval method.
Many safety authorities believe that the victim should be picked up on the windward side, but I believe that with a sailboat the leeward side is likely to be both lower and more sheltered, with the boom readily available as a mounting for the hoisting block. As the boat drifts to leeward it will drift away from a victim who is to weather, but will remain close to the victim to leeward. Watch out, though, to make sure that the boat bouncing in a seaway does not slam down on top of the swimmer.
Resist the temptation to have someone go in the water to help the victim - you may lose two people. If the person in the water is unable to help himself you then may have to send a spare person into the water to help. In this case make surethere is a line securely attaching the boat and the would-be rescuer. Plan ahead how you are going to get this person back aboard.
Of course the more you know about how your boat behaves under differing circumstances, the better will be your performance in any emergency. Picking up a mooring under sail, particularly in winds over 30 knots,teaches you a lot that you can use to save a friend's life. At all times handle your sails at racing speed.Whenever you can, practice and think about what you are going to do in a man-overboard situation. The seconds yousave may be important in an emergency.
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